Need a Serioud Help in SQL Replication...

  • Hi,

    Hi everyone, I have been working on SQL Replication since a week ago but still i was not able to find a solution for my

    Database to be replicated in Real-Time have tried with all 3 Replication types, so please help me to find a solution for my


    Below I will give a brief description of my database which i am trying to replicate and the problem which I am facing,

    I have a Third Party Software Database which we use for our application. this database has 840 tables, most of these tables are the master tables for our application which may have about Lakhs of rows in it. This database will be

    Updated (Inserts/Updates/Deletes) many times in a day, so the replication should be Real Time.

    The problem is,

    1. About 70 to 80% of the tables do not have a Primary Key in it, so it basically does not qualify for TRANSACTIONAL REPLICATION because it needs a primary key in a table to replicate. We can't include the IDENTITY Column and set it as Primary Key in it since it is third party database.

    2. Then if i go for MERGE REPLICATION, in Merge Replication the insert statements should specify the Column List in their

    Insert Command. As it is a third party software database we could not make any changes in the database. So the basic

    qualification for merge replication also fails.

    3. Finally I tried with SNAPSHOT REPLICATION. As the Database is too large it takes about 20 to 30 minutes to Generate a new Snapshot from the Publisher and to synchronize the data in the Subscriber. So when a snapshot is restarted after particular intervals then the tables in the Subscriber normally is dropped and recreated in the synchronization process. So until the

    synchronization process is over the tables do not have data in it,at that time if the application fetches data there will be

    no data available for it. This raises a big problem.

    This is where I am struck and I don’t know how to proceed or what to do for a Real-Time synchronization and Replication.

    So please help me about what to do and provide any solution for me.

    Thanking You...

  • Why don't you try other "high availability" options.

    Tanx πŸ˜€

  • Hi,

    Thanking You for the Comments.But Sorry i don't understand what you are Specifying.Please give some details about what you are specifying.

  • how about mirroring Sundar πŸ™‚

  • Hi,

    Thanking you Eswin and CrazyMan. I saw the link you have sent Eswin about Log Shipping, Mirroring... but i have no knowledge on that both.

    I have to read on that then think about that any way Thank You both for the Help and Support.

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