Multivalued and ranged parameter

  • Help!!!!!! I've been asked to produce a report which allows the user to either enter a range of codes or select from a multivalued list. I can create both seperately in Visual Studios and they work great in reporting services, but I can't figure out how to use them at the same time in the report. Here is a sample of the code I am using in SQL:

    ALTER PROC [dbo].[lmc_sp_rs_NGDM_SplitTest]








    (diagnosiscode IN (SELECT str FROM dbo.split(@diag,',')) or

    diagnosiscode between @diag1 and @diag2)

    Any thoughts??????


  • Hi,

    It is very simple to use Range in Reporting services. Just create two new report parameters for "FromValue" and "ToValue". Pass them to your query/stored procedure same as you are doing in your procedure.

    for example: SELECT Field1, Field2 FROM Table1 WHERE Table1.Field1 Between @FromParam AND @ToParam

    And for multivalue you have to create one Multivalue Report parameter, Just select the Multi-Value option (checkbox) and use comma (,) seperated values to use in your query.

    But while you create multi-value parameter, be sure you selected STRING as data type.

    for example: SELECT Field1, Field2 FROM Table1 WHERE Table1.Field1 IN (@MultiValueParam)

    [Here @MultiValueParam is comma seperated values like 1,2,3,4,]

    You can also use fetch multiple value form a query by selecting "from Query" option for Report parameter and specify the query for it.

    Let me know is this what you need or not?

  • Thanks, it worked great!

    Now that I that working, do you have any idea how I can set up the report in Visual Studios so the end user can pick either entering a value for the range parameter or picking a value from the drop down list I have for the multi-valued parameter. For example they need to either enter codes 101-150 or pick 101,102,105. When I tried putting the report together it won't run because the mv parameter cannot be null. Any help in this would be extremely appreciated!!

  • You can use the query like this in your report


    select Field1, Field2 from Table1 WHERE (Field1 between @FromId AND @ToId) OR Field1 in (@SelectedList)


    Allow Null to @FromId and @ToId (single value parameters)

    Allow Blank Value to @SelectedList (Multivalued parameter)

    Case 1: 101-150 (Range)

    @FormId = 101

    @ToId = 150

    @SelectedList = , (blank values)

    Case 2: 101,102,105 (Selected Values)

    @FromId = NULL,

    @ToId = NULL,

    @SelectedList = 101,102,105

    Please try it and let me know if it serve you purpose.

    Thank you

  • Almost!!

    The query works great but the Visual Studio report stills needs a little tweaking. The report runs fine when I enter the multi-valued parameter and leave the parameter range null, but if I try to enter the range and leave the mutli-valued parameter blank it gives me an error that I have to select a value.

  • Cant you pass "," from VS to Report?

  • Yes, missed that. Works great!! Thanks a bunch!

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