Multiple Sql Server instances

  • Hi,

    I added a new instance to my local machine (Windows XP). Via the management studio 2005 does not display new instance. Has it to show new one?

    And i want to setup a new db to the second instance.

    Could you please help me.


  • Not exactly knowing what you're doing, here are the steps for adding a new connection to Management Studio:

    1) start management studio

    2) in frame "object explorer", click "connect"

    3) select "database engine"

    4) a "connect to server" popup opens

    5) in "servername", add your servername, a backslash and the instancename. i.e. "mylaptop\instance2" this is because I think you're talking about a 2nd instance, you'll have to specifiy the instancename.

    6) If you want to connect to the first (default) instance, just enter your servername here

    This should work ...

    The best things in life are the simple things

  • If this is a new instance, did you install it as a Named instance?


    "Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives."

  • Yes it is a new named instance and i succeeded typing "\" char ([HOSTNAME]\[INSTANCENAME])


  • Check on Configuration manager 🙂

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