multiple queries

  • Hello. Is there anyway i can simplify the writing of this queries where the only thing that changes is the date on the three tables and the "datepart" on second table and third table?

    --table 1--

    Create table Report_Es1 (ola1 int)
    declare @h int
    set @h = (select Sum(case when [DATA] = CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE) then [card] else 0 end) +
    Sum(case when [DATA] = CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE) then [Moche] else 0 end) +
    Sum(case when [DATA] = CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE) then [track] else 0 end) +
    Sum(case when [DATA] = CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE) then [trio1] else 0 end)from [sales_HH])
    insert into Report_Es1 values (@h)

    --tabela 2--

    Create table Report_Es2 (ola2 int)
    declare @b int
    set @b = (select sum ( case when [DATA] = CAST(GETDATE()-1 AS DATE) and DATEPART(HOUR, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) > DATEPART(HOUR, hora) then [card] else 0 end) +
    Sum(case when [DATA] = CAST(GETDATE()-1 AS DATE) and DATEPART(HOUR, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) > DATEPART(HOUR, hora) then [Moche] else 0 end) +
    Sum(case when [DATA] = CAST(GETDATE()-1 AS DATE) and DATEPART(HOUR, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) > DATEPART(HOUR, hora)then [track] else 0 end) +
    Sum(case when [DATA] = CAST(GETDATE()-1 AS DATE) and DATEPART(HOUR, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) > DATEPART(HOUR, hora)then [trio1] else 0 end)
    Sum(case when [DATA] = CAST(GETDATE()-1 AS DATE) and DATEPART(HOUR, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) > DATEPART(HOUR, hora)then [dmr3] else 0 end)from [sales_HH])
    insert into Report_Es2 values (@b)

    --table 3--

    Create table Report_Es3 (ola3 int)
    declare @c int
    set @c = (select sum ( case when [DATA] = CAST(GETDATE()-7 AS DATE) and DATEPART(HOUR, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) > DATEPART(HOUR, hora) then [card] else 0 end) +
    Sum(case when [DATA] = CAST(GETDATE()-7 AS DATE) and DATEPART(HOUR, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) > DATEPART(HOUR, hora) then [Moche] else 0 end) +
    Sum(case when [DATA] = CAST(GETDATE()-7 AS DATE) and DATEPART(HOUR, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) > DATEPART(HOUR, hora)then [track] else 0 end) +
    Sum(case when [DATA] = CAST(GETDATE()-7 AS DATE) and DATEPART(HOUR, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) > DATEPART(HOUR, hora)then [trio1] else 0 end)
    Sum(case when [DATA] = CAST(GETDATE()-7 AS DATE) and DATEPART(HOUR, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) > DATEPART(HOUR, hora)then [dmr3] else 0 end)from [sales_HH])
    insert into Report_Es3 values (@c)
  • Something like this?

    DECLARE @Yesterday DATE = DATEADD(DAY, -1, @Today);
    DECLARE @TodayLess7 DATE = DATEADD(DAY, -7, @Today);

    SELECT @Yesterday

    SELECT SUM(card + Moche + track + trio1)
    FROM sales_HH
    WHERE DATA = @Today;

    SELECT SUM(card + Moche + track + trio1 + dmr3)
    FROM sales_HH
    WHERE DATA = @Yesterday

    SELECT SUM(card + Moche + track + trio1 + dmr3)
    FROM sales_HH
    WHERE DATA = @TodayLess7

    If any of (card, Moche, track, trio1, dmr3) can be NULL, additional code is required, eg, replace card with ISNULL(card,0).

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • that is it thank you a lot. Best Regards

  • ;WITH cte_dates AS (
    SELECT CAST(GETDATE() AS date) AS today,
    DATEPART(HOUR, GETDATE()) AS today_hour,
    CAST(GETDATE() - 1 AS date) AS yesterday,
    CAST(GETDATE() - 7 AS date) AS lastweek
    INSERT INTO Report_Es1 ( ola1 )
    SELECT datesums.*
    FROM (
    SUM(CASE WHEN [DATA] = today
    THEN [card] + [Moche] + [track] + [triol] ELSE 0 END) AS today_sum,
    SUM(CASE WHEN [DATA] = yesterday AND today_hour > DATEPART(HOUR, hora)
    THEN [card] + [Moche] + [track] + [triol] + [dmr3] ELSE 0 END) AS yesterday_sum,
    SUM(CASE WHEN [DATA] = lastweek AND today_hour > DATEPART(HOUR, hora)
    THEN [card] + [Moche] + [track] + [triol] + [dmr3] ELSE 0 END) AS lastweek_sum
    FROM [sales_HH]
    CROSS JOIN cte_dates
    WHERE [DATA] >= lastweek AND [DATA] <= today
    ) AS derived1
    CROSS APPLY ( VALUES(today_sum), (yesterday_sum), (lastweek_sum) ) AS datesums(datesum)

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • drop table if exists Report_Es;
    create table Report_Es(
    ola1 int,
    ola2 int,
    ola3 int);

    insert into Report_Es(ola1, ola2, ola3)
    select sum(case when DATA = cast(getdate() as date)
    then card+Moche+track+trio1 else 0 end),
    sum(case when DATA = cast(getdate() -1 as date)
    and datepart(hour, current_timestamp) > datepart(hour, hora)
    then card+Moche+track+trio1+dmr3 else 0 end),
    sum(case when DATA = cast(getdate() -7 as date)
    and datepart(hour, current_timestamp) > datepart(hour, hora)
    then card+Moche+track+trio1+dmr3 else 0 end)
    from sales_HH;

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

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