Multiple parameter selections

  • HI ALL - Anyone ever had to do the following - hopefully someone has


    I have 2 parameters - 1 is a free entry textbox - 2nd is a result parameter based on the text entered

    the data comes from a cube and I am using CONTAINS as the criteria for the search

    What I need to be able to do is carry out multiple searches using above parameters to build a report

    for example...

    I enter 234 - get back 234,2341 - I select 234 as this is the one I need,

    I then enter 121, get back 121,1214 - I select 121

    and so on until I have selected all the product I need to build the report.

    Then run the report and all the items I have selected from the searches appears in the report.

    Hoepfully this make logical sense !

    Any advise, adivse or links would be fantastic !!

    Kind regards

  • 7059 (9/15/2010)

    HI ALL - Anyone ever had to do the following - hopefully someone has


    I have 2 parameters - 1 is a free entry textbox - 2nd is a result parameter based on the text entered

    the data comes from a cube and I am using CONTAINS as the criteria for the search

    What I need to be able to do is carry out multiple searches using above parameters to build a report

    for example...

    I enter 234 - get back 234,2341 - I select 234 as this is the one I need,

    I then enter 121, get back 121,1214 - I select 121

    and so on until I have selected all the product I need to build the report.

    Then run the report and all the items I have selected from the searches appears in the report.

    Hoepfully this make logical sense !

    Any advise, adivse or links would be fantastic !!

    Kind regards


    You may have to develop a .NET application which supports the autocomplete feature using readily available classes(Desktop) or AJAX(Windows)

    Such feature is not yet available in SSRS 2008

    Raunak J

  • You can make a parameter depend on the value of another parameter. I've done it several times with drop down lists. All you have to do is to make the text box parameter a parameter in the query of your list box parameter. At least that is how I do it when I use drop downs.

  • Nils Gustav Stråbø (9/15/2010)

    You can make a parameter depend on the value of another parameter. I've done it several times with drop down lists. All you have to do is to make the text box parameter a parameter in the query of your list box parameter. At least that is how I do it when I use drop downs.

    OP requirement is not related to cascaded parameter selection :-):-)

    Raunak J

  • 🙂 I saw that now. I have to carefully read the entire post. Didn't see the line "and so on until I have selected all the product I need to build the report"

  • Here's a guess (and it's only a guess): Enter all the search strings into one box -- e.g., "234, 121, 203, 119". That string gets passed to a stored proc that parses the delimited strings (probably want to call a function for that), returns all the possible matches in a table, then have a dependent multi-value drop-down list that returns all those table rows in one list? In theory, I think that would work. Could be one heck of a long drop-down, but it would accomplish the task.

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