Multiple maching values from two tables

  • Hello all. I would love to be able to find a solution to the problem below. There are two tables:activity and person, each containing a different value pair for columns catid1 and catid2. The desired output would be the activity and name columns that satisfy the following condition: a person must have ALL the catid1 and catid2 combinations for a given activity.

    If you look at Mike, he satisfies all the requirements for 'running', but not for the others. The output should look like this:

    [font="Courier New"]

    Mike Running

    George Jogging

    Marty Cycling


    Here's some quick code to create the tables with the data:

    CREATE TABLE [activity] ([activity] NCHAR(10) NOT NULL,

    [catid1] INT NOT NULL,

    [catid2] INT NOT NULL)



    -- [Table] person


    CREATE TABLE [person] ([name] NCHAR(10) NOT NULL,

    [catid1] INT NOT NULL,

    [catid2] INT NOT NULL)


    INSERT INTO activity (activity, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('running ', 1, 1);

    INSERT INTO activity (activity, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('running ', 2, 2);

    INSERT INTO activity (activity, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('running ', 3, 3);

    INSERT INTO activity (activity, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('jogging ', 10, 10);

    INSERT INTO activity (activity, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('jogging ', 20, 20);

    INSERT INTO activity (activity, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('swimming ', 5, 6);

    INSERT INTO activity (activity, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('swimming ', 6, 7);

    INSERT INTO activity (activity, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('swimming ', 8, 9);

    INSERT INTO activity (activity, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('swimming ', 7, 8);

    INSERT INTO activity (activity, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('cycling ', 10, 10);

    INSERT INTO activity (activity, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('cycling ', 1, 5);

    INSERT INTO activity (activity, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('cycling ', 1, 1);

    INSERT INTO person (name, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('John ', 1, 1);

    INSERT INTO person (name, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('John ', 2, 2);

    INSERT INTO person (name, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('John ', 3, 3);

    INSERT INTO person (name, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('George ', 10, 10);

    INSERT INTO person (name, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('George ', 20, 20);

    INSERT INTO person (name, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('George ', 1, 3);c

    INSERT INTO person (name, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('Jimmy ', 1, 1);

    INSERT INTO person (name, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('Jimmy ', 2, 2);

    INSERT INTO person (name, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('Mike ', 1, 1);

    INSERT INTO person (name, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('Mike ', 2, 2);4

    INSERT INTO person (name, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('Mike ', 3, 3);

    INSERT INTO person (name, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('Mike ', 45, 45);

    INSERT INTO person (name, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('Mike ', 34, 34);

    INSERT INTO person (name, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('Billy ', 10, 10);

    INSERT INTO person (name, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('Joey ', 20, 20);

    INSERT INTO person (name, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('Marty ', 1, 1);

    INSERT INTO person (name, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('Marty ', 10, 10);

    INSERT INTO person (name, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('Marty ', 1, 5);

    INSERT INTO person (name, catid1, catid2) VALUES ('Marty ', 4, 87);

    Any ideas? Many thanks in advance!

  • May something like the following although this will also produce John running:

    SELECT *



    SELECT P1.[name], A1.activity, COUNT(*) AS CatCount

    FROM person P1

    JOIN activity A1

    ON P1.catid1 = A1.catid1

    AND P1.catid2 = A1.catid2

    GROUP BY P1.[name], A1.activity

    ) D1



    SELECT A2.activity, COUNT(*) AS CatCount

    FROM activity A2

    GROUP BY A2.activity

    ) D2

    ON D1.activity = D2.activity

    AND D1.CatCount = D2.CatCount

  • SELECT,a.activity

    FROM activity a

    INNER JOIN person p ON p.catid1=a.catid1 AND p.catid2=a.catid2

    GROUP BY a.activity,

    HAVING COUNT(*)=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM activity a2 WHERE a2.activity=a.activity)


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum
  • Thank you so much!

    Mark - the query works great! You are a gentleman and a scholar. 😀

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