msSQL and SAGE line 100

  • Having a great deal of difficulty finding any information about the DB syntak used in Line 100 by SAGE (major accounting software used in the UK). I am trying to grab sales orders and limit the date but as far as I can make out the date column in the SAGE db (Retrive I think its called) isnt even a date column just a string.

    Anyone have any knowledge of line 100..?



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  • Can you post the SQL code, or is it proprietary? Have you tried contacting the vendor for support?

  • The SAGE software uses a proprietary database. Its pretty old and is based on something called Retreive 4G I think!

    We have support through the SAGE reseller but they have not been able to answer this question and you cannot contact SAGE directly unless you are a SAGE developer.

    I wanted to grab transactions based on an interval from todays date as in Where Datetime = GetDate() type of select.



  • If SAGE is running on SQL Server, and you can see a "date" field, but it looks like character data, try doing:

    WHERE DATEADD(day, 0, CONVERT(SMALLDATETIME, MyDateField)) = @MyDateParameter

    I'd do the DATEADD part to ensure you are comparing a date, not date+time, to a date.

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