msdb incorrect size reported

  • Hi,

    I recently cleaned up my msdb by running sp_delete_backuphistory and when looking at the top tables disk usage report, I noticed backupfile table was still very high at 1 gig, even though I had only 50 rows in it. I rebuild the indexes on the table and it now reports the correct size. What would cause the index to report the incorrect size on the table?

    Also, I did run a dbcc updateusage and it still reported the incorrect size. Only after I rebuild my indexes on the table it would show the right size. I have found a few threads about this issue, but no one could figure out why it happened. Just curious if anyone else had an idea.

  • Even though you deleted the data from the table does not mean the pages will be removed from the table. The table will still contain empty pages. Only rebuild index will remove the empty pages from the table.

    It is always recommended to rebuild the index whenever you perform mass DML actions on tables.

    --- Babu .

  • Thank you for the reply!

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