MS SQL Server 2005 Memory Configuration (MAX & MIN Memory Assignment)

  • Hi;

    Team; Please share the steps to assign minimum and maximum memory limit to MS SQL Server 2005.


    MS SQL Server 2005 (Cluster)

    MS SQL Server 2005 Enterprise edition (64 bit)

    MS Windows Server 2003 (64 Bit)

    Total Memeory (64GB)


    I want to set Maximum memory limit as 60 GB to SQL Server

    Please also suggest what will be the best value for minimum memory limit

    Is it required to restart server or SQL Server services after configuration

    Any impact on cluster or SQL server

    Thanks & Regards

  • HI,

    No need to restart the SQL server .

  • SQL_Helper (11/28/2011)

    I want to set Maximum memory limit as 60 GB to SQL Server

    sp_configure 'max server memory (MB)', 60000

    Please also suggest what will be the best value for minimum memory limit

    Higly depends on what else is running on your system. On a dedicated box, it doesn't really matter.

    Is it required to restart server or SQL Server services after configuration


    Any impact on cluster or SQL server


    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • HI;

    Team; Thanks a lot for your quick response.

    This is a dedicated DB Server

    Please confirm what is the purpose of AWE (in my case), is it required to select this option as currently this option is not selected.

    "Use AWE to allocate memory" this option is not selected on my Server.

  • The server is 64 bit, you don't need AWE. Leave it unchecked.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

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