Moving Secondary LOG Shipping database from NONRECOVERY TO STANDBY

  • I have a secondary database which is part of a log-shipping and is in norecovery mode.

    Unfortunatley due to an emergency i was forced to put it to a recovery mode so i could export out a table back to live. This natrually meant that i had to restore the database backup etc in NONRECOVERY to get my log shipping running again.

    I was wondering is it possible to just change the database to STANDBY

    ie RESTORE DATABASE WITH STANDBY="D:\recovery.txt" do what i need to export a table out and not impact the Log-shipping by having to restore the database.

  • The normal status for the secondary database with logshipping would be STANDBY.

    Why do you use NORECOVERY at all? Do you use the maintenance plan to setup logshipping or some custom scripts?

    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • actually its one i inherited , I'm thinking about changing it to a standby but wanted to know if i could do it without changing the log shipping plan and also if i come across a similiar situation again if i could just stop the copy restore jobs alter it to a STANDBY, do what i need to in terms of copying a table and then put it back to no-recovery ..

  • i'd suggest u use standby mode always, u'll be able to use the database of ur secondary server... In norecovery mode, your db wont be available until you put it back in recovery mode.

    If you use standby mode you'll be able to query ur database, and in this particular case, u'll be able to put your table back to primary db.

    Pradeep Singh

  • thank u

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