Moving data from Server-A/table-x to Server-B/Table-x

  • Dear All,

    I have a script that has 20-25 small single line queries.

    Objective of script is to select all data from Server-A/table-x and copy to Server-B/Table-x.

    Overall script takes almost 6-7 hours to complete as most of the tables have more then a billion records.

    Individual queries has nothing to optimize as they all are single liner select queries.

    What Should I do to reduce this time, or should I completely change the strategy.

    Any help will be highly appreciated.


  • Don't use single line code (like INSERT ... SELECT... FROM) for such large tables. Use an ETL tool instead. You can use SSIS (import/export wizard) or the BCP command line utility.

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • HanShi hit the nail on the head. SSIS, bcp and BULK INSERT use a mechanism for inserting data that is not like the INSERT statement. The first time you see the performance, you won't believe the data was moved - it is through the roof.

  • Thanks.

    If I go for SSIS, will it make any difference if source and target tables are on same database.

  • It won't make any difference in SSIS, I think it's the best option to use SSIS (data flow task).

  • Some SELECT queries has complicated WHERE clause. I hope it will be supported.

  • SSIS is capable of doing very extensive filtering and transformations. Try it for yourself and if you run into trouble or need some help: on SSC is a special section in the forum, dedicated to Integration Services (

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **

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