Moving clustedred SQL Server to different domain

  • Hi,

    I have installed SQL Server 2005 on clustered environment , now we are moving machins to different domain. To do that we are going to break the cluster and rebuild the cluster on different domain. Is there any way to reconfigure already installed SQL Server on new clustered environment? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

  • follow the steps:

    - stop all aplications in cluster (With Cluster Administrator).

    - stop cluster service and change startup to manual.

    - change domain machine/reboot server(s).

    - create a account to cluster service in new domain.

    - add account to administrator group (local group) on all nodes cluster, or add permisions to account, required do run properlly cluster service. I don't remember now how permissions much you can find at, remenber create a account with another name because if you use a same name  a SID account is different of a original account/domain

    - change service account who startup the cluster in all nodes via services.msc snap in.

    - on primary node change service to automatic start up, restart node.

    - verify cluster service if it start on primary node.

    - if Ok , repeat steps (change service account) on all nodes of cluster.

    Some problems mail  me.




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