
  • Addresses and zip codes are really strange, and I'm glad that there isn't significant reliance on the zip code by different governement agencies and businesses.

    My Zip Code belong to 4 (yes FOUR) different cities, depending on the data source.

    I live in Aloha, OR, between the cities of Beaverton and Hillsboro (both fairly large cities - 50K+).  Aloha is an unincorporated part of the county, and extends across into the Beaverton city line, but the city line for Hillsboro is across the street (literally).  Ok, enough geography, but it plays into this issue....

    When calling and ordering things or doing business I've been asked for my zip code.  I've been asked if I live in Aloha, Beaverton, or Hillsboro.  One person even got angry with me when I told them I lived in Aloha (my servicing Post Office) and she said that I live in Beaverton.  No point in arguing...she wan't going to fix anything in her computer (even if she could).

    Imagine my surprise, however, when someone responded that I live in Portland (closest major city and only 12 miles away).  My mail from them actually came to my zip code with "Portland" as the city.

    I love moving (NOT)....and I love the "validity" of data that exists out there.


    Timothy J. Bruce

  • Steve,

    Any change we can google earth the homestead?


  • I'd like to, but my wife will get upset

    I'll drop a picture on the blog (

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