"Move to" new filegroup

  • I am running SQL Server Std 2005 sp2.

    I have an 2.1M row, 88g table with a single clustered PK index that contains an image field.

    My table has an image field, not null. When I do the alter table drop index with move to ... I get the clustered index to move, but not the image? Or, maybe the index and data, but not the images? When it completes successfully, my new filegroup is only 400meg.

    SQL Server says it is moved, but I only see 400meg. I can still query the table's data, but not sure where the images are located.

    Any ideas?

  • The image data is still in the original filegroup. De clustered index only contains a 16 byte pointer but not the whole image. You can define the location of text and image files using the TEXTIMAGE_ON option in the CREATE\ALTER Table command.

    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

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