move sql server 2000 to SAN

  • I use RAID-5, pure economics believe it or not! On the caching I sure don't know the answer, but my hunch is that you're better off to cache the writes a little more. I say this because SQL devotes a huge amount of server RAM to caching data. I think ours is set to 50/50 at present. Have never stressed it hard enough to need to change (is that a good thing?).


  • I wanna bump this thread back up to ask that those several who said they had or are in the process of moving to the EMC (which we are now headed that way) to comment on how the SQL 2000 move to SAN went, if they are satisfied with the EMC, and if they did a simple "detach and attach" to get it migrated. Thanks. It's the open ended WHATS IN STORE ??? 🙂

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