Monitoring SQL Express Backups

  • I'm in the process of moving a project from SQL Server to SQL Server Express. I've used the information in the article below to create a batch file and Windows Scheduled Task which successfully backups the database. The database has been quite stable and only required a minimum of Admin attention.

    I'm looking for suggestions on approaches to monitoring the creation of the backups. Previously, the backups were handled via SQL Server Agent which I obviously can't use. I'm liking the idea of something that scans the backup files in the folder and then displays the most recent one via a webpage that is the default Homepage for my Outlook.

    1. ASP User Control calls Stored Procedure

    2. Stored Procedure calls batch file that lists files in the directory and sends the output to a text file

    3. Text file is imported into a temp table

    4. ASP User Control displays the results of the temp table

    5. If the most recent is from this morning, everything is green. If it isn't, it's red and in bold.

    I may go even sexier and create a system alert page that is automatically displayed when I access the site and an issue is detected. Or maybe just modify my personal page to show the information.

  • Sold! It'll be a user control on my personal dashboard.

    Imports System.IO

    Partial Class production_content_misc_Default

    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

    If Not IsPostBack Then

    Dim filePaths() As String = Directory.GetFiles("C:\Users\holled\Documents\Projects\Queries")

    Dim FileProperties As FileInfo

    test.Text = "<table style='font-family:tahoma;font-size:8pt'>"

    For Each filePath As String In filePaths

    FileProperties = New FileInfo(filePath)

    test.Text = test.Text & "<tr>"

    test.Text = test.Text & "<td>" & FileProperties.Name & "</td><td>" & FileProperties.CreationTime & "</td><td>" & FileProperties.Length & "</td>"

    test.Text = test.Text & "<t/r>"


    test.Text = test.Text & "</table>"

    End If

    End Sub

    End Class

  • I don't like dashboards for storing this stuff. What I'd do is use a process that grabs the backup info and drops it in a small db in Express. That separates the storage from the display.

    Use your process to pull that data. Make sure it looks for all days on your schedule and if there isn't a backup it flags that.

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