Modify the location of the report 'txt' file in a Maintenance Plan.

  • I am running SBS 2011 with SQL Server 2008R2.

    I have created a Maintenance Plan and I am now trying to modify the location of the report 'txt' file generated by that plan each time the job is run.

    Using SSMS if I go to Jobs in Object Explorer and right click on the job in question and click properties, I do not find anywhere to modify the location of the report 'txt' file.

    If I click on Maintenance Plans in Object Explorer and the right click on the plan in question I see 'Modify' (in Bold) in the context menu. However, when I click on Modify nothing happens.

    Question #1: How can I change the location of the report ''txt' file in an existing Maintenance Plan?

    Question #2: Why does the Modify option (right click on an existing Maintenance Plan) do nothing?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.


  • For question 2 - if you already have the plan open in the editor to modify, then trying to modify again won't do anything.

    For question 1, there is a small button next to the Manage Connections button for reporting. Click that button and you can setup and configure the reporting options.

    FWIW - I always disable the text reports, since they really don't have any good information in them.

    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

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  • Jeffrey:

    Thank you for your response.

    For question 2 - if you already have the plan open in the editor to modify, then trying to modify again won't do anything.

    ==> The plan is not opened in the editor to modify.

    For question 1, there is a small button next to the Manage Connections button for reporting. Click that button and you can setup and configure the reporting options

    ==> How do I get to Manage Connections?

    Any additional help will be appreciated.


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