Missing stored procedure 'sp_MSupd_TblProducts'

  • Am setting up transactional replication and the Log Reader Agent works fine, but I get the message "Could not find stored procedure 'sp_MSupd_TblProducts'" when I run the distribution agent. This stored procedure doesn't exist on the subscriber (Push Subscription is set up), so I must have missed out an initialisation step - any ideas?

    Paul Ibison


    Paul Ibison

  • Eventually solved this one: use sp_scriptpublicationcustomprocs to generate the stored procs when you don't need synchronisation. It's allegedly fixed in SP1 for SQl 2000, but I still need to run the above sp manually.

    Paul Ibison


    Paul Ibison

  • Did you not elect to send over an initial snapshot? There is a place in the wizard that asks if the data and stuff is already there. The proc you found to fix is comes in handy, doesnt it?


  • I have a few SQL Server 7 boxes that I need to have the custom stored procedures created for. I don't see the 'sp_scriptpublicationcustomsprocs' on any database in the SQL 7 server. Any suggestions about how to get them created when I do not want the snapshot agent to create the initial subscriber data? (This seems to be the only way they are generated on SQL 7)

    Any help is appreciated.

    Richard L. Dawson

    Database Admin/Developer

    ICQ# 867490

    Richard L. Dawson
    Microsoft Sql Server DBA/Data Architect

    I can like a person. People are arrogant, ignorant, idiotic, irritating and mostly just plain annoying.

  • Create a temporary db on the same server, send a snapshot to it, then script out the procs. Dont know if there is a hidden proc in SQL7 that will do it, could try profiling the snapshot to see.



  • quote:

    Create a temporary db on the same server, send a snapshot to it, then script out the procs. Dont know if there is a hidden proc in SQL7 that will do it, could try profiling the snapshot to see.



    Thanks. I'll try that this weekend. (After Saturday's production run<g>.)

    Richard L. Dawson

    Database Admin/Developer

    ICQ# 867490

    Richard L. Dawson
    Microsoft Sql Server DBA/Data Architect

    I can like a person. People are arrogant, ignorant, idiotic, irritating and mostly just plain annoying.

  • Tinker--it's been too long since I did it to remember the exact options to select when going through the wizard, but you can elect to apply the snapshot with no data. The full snapshot will be generated, and the metadata (replication stored procedures, etc.) will be created on the subscriber, but the target table's structure and data will remain untouched.

    You can probably find the right options to use while experimenting with a test publication.

    Once you find how to do it in test, script it--then you can modify the script for production and you're on your way, knowing it was done correctly and repeatably.

    Hope this helps!

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