Mirroring/Replicating ODBC data source

  • I am new to advanced topics in SQL server and have a question on replication (or other services as I may be confused!)

    I have a UNIX server running a Progress database that has an ODBC driver. Every night we have scheduled DTS jobs pulling data from the Progress DB into our MS SQL server. The performance is very poor (due to the ODBC driver from Progress).

    I really want to get the SQL server to be near real-time with the Progress database. I have been trying to figure out if there is some way that I can "subscribe" the SQL server to the ODBC data source and scan for new records (although, like I said, the ODBC driver performance is poor).

    Is there a better way (rather than DTS jobs at night) for me to pull data from the UNIX box into our SQL data warehouse?

    Any feedback or a point in the right direction would be appreciated.

  • Maybe try pushing from Progress to SQL via SQL's ODBC (I think you can get something like it for *NIX boxes)?  I have similar problems with SQL accessing DBFs - got it faster to use a native DBF library and generate the data to push into SQL rather than using ODBC.

  • Hi Ian,

    Can you be more specific?. I'm trying to do the same thing.



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