Migration to New Server - Stocktake

  • Hi,

    We are soon going to migrate our intranet sql server over to a new server.

    I would like to do a "stocktake" of our current server.  I want to record things such as:

    - Databases

    - Logins

    - Stored Procedures (including input parameters, what db they belong to, security settings)

    - Tables (including columns, keys, indexes, identities etc.)

    - Views

    - User-defined Functions (including parameters in, what they return)

    - Full Text Catalogs

    - DTS packages

    - Scheduled Jobs

    - Replication

    Before I start querying sysobjects on each database and making a bit fat Excel file, has anyone recently done this themselves, and if so, do you have any suggestions as to the best way to go about it?

  • Why not use EM to produce a SCRIPT of ALL objects??  Granted you need to do this PER database but this can be done using sp_MSForEachDB to assist with the scripting SQL.....

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens


  • Acknowledged.

    However, my ideal solution would be something that I can put into excel which I can then annotate with notes. To that end, I would like tyo be able to list tables, then views, then sp's etc etc....

  • Acknowledged.

    However, my ideal solution would be something that I can put into excel which I can then annotate with notes. To that end, I would like tyo be able to list tables, then views, then sp's etc etc....

  • The script that EM generates is either a SINGLE text file or MULTIPLE text files.  You can import these into Excel and then annotate to your hearts content...

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens


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