migration ok SQL7 server in AD2003 environnement


    hi   my company plan to migrate NT environnemen to Active directory 2003 environnement.


    We have three SQL server, one SQL 2000 SP3entreprise en 2 SQL 7 servers sp4.



    i want to kow if we make an on place migration  if the NT authentification will be ok when we ll have AD 2003  ( i know that there is no problem with SQL2000  but i want to know if there is any problem with NT authentification in AD 2003 environnement with SQL 7 servers ).



    thanks about your reponse



    olivier blanchard


  • We have a number of SQL Server 7.0 servers in the AD environment and have not had any trouble with them.  It's been about a year, but as I remember I did not have to follow any different procedures migrating them.


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