Migrating to Azure SQL Managed Instance from SQL 2017

  • Hello,

    Do you have to use 'Azure Database Migration Service' to migrate to Azure SQL Managed Instance from a SQL 2017 VM in Azure?  Or can you just do a backup and restore using Credentials and backing up to Azure blob storage and restoring?  I took the backup and restore approach and it worked just fine.  I already ran the Database Migration Assistance and fixed any issues found.  I then scripted and migrated Logins, Operators, SQL Jobs, etc.

    I guess my question is what is the advantage to using 'Azure Database Migration Service' - having the GUI?




  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

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  • On the other hand besides the info provided via Benwalker , instead of using Azure Database Migration Service, you can use tools like Sharegate, Gs Richcopy 360, or Goodsync to migrate the database automatically and easily with just a few steps to Azure

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