December 20, 2024 at 5:20 pm
Hi all,
So here's the situation. We migrated to a new server as our old hardware fell out of warranty. After the migration, it seems that our larger jobs are taking up to 300% longer to run. I'm a system admin and the new environment was matched to the old. I have very little SQL experience, so please keep that in mind 🙂
The original server was Windows 2019, SQL 2019, dual Xeon Silver processors, 192gb memory. New server is Win 2022 datacenter, SQL 2019, dual Xeon Silver processors, 192gb memory and 10gb ethernet.
The db's and jobs were exported from the original server to the new, standard settings were manually matched.
The developers have been looking into the issue for the past week and I have been going over server and sql settings, but haven't found anything as of yet.
So with the limited info provided, in this scenario, does anything come to mind to check on SQL side?
We ran into an issue where the devs were unable to test connections to a linked server due to the "allow inprocess" option not being enabled on the OLEDB provider... a change someone made years ago on the old server and I'm hoping there may be a similar change I haven't found as of yet that may remediate this issue.
I'm working on very little sleep and again, don't have much SQL experience. I know I haven't provided much info, but I'll be happy to provide whatever I can. T
Thanks in advance for any help!
December 21, 2024 at 6:10 pm
Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.
This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.
December 22, 2024 at 10:39 am
please post the actual SQLServer @@version information?
No wonder most of us avoid linked server usage whenever possible
Is this a dedicated sql server machine?
what is you max server memory set to?
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