Migrate custom user data types?

  • I have a script to create a database and its tables from an application, but the table columns are all custom data types. In SSMS I can go to 'ServerName|Databases|DatabaseName|Programmability|Types|User-Defined Data Types', right-click on each custom data type, and select 'Script User-Defined Data Type as|CREATE TO|Clipboard', and paste it into a script, one at a time. Repeat this a couple thousand times, and I should be done by 2019 or so...

    Is there a faster way to copy just the user-defined data types (other than backing up and restoring the entire database)? I'm wondering if they're actually stored in a system database table somewhere that I can't find.


  • You could use Generate Scripts

    In SSMS, right click on the database

    Select Tasks -> Generate Scripts

    From here you can select specific database objects

    User-Defined Data Types is an option

    Does that help?

    - Damian

  • Yes, it helps. Sometimes you can't see the forest through the trees...

    I was trying much too hard, and wrote the following script. It needs a little work for weird data types like image or xml, but this got me most of the way there. Now that you showed me the Generate Scripts option, I may never bother finishing it, but here's what I wrote if it helps anyone else. Change the table names at the bottom, execute it, and copy the result to another query editor window:

    [font="Courier New"]

    SELECT DISTINCT 'CREATE TYPE [dbo].[' + udt.name + '] FROM [' + sdt.name + ']' +


    WHEN udt.collation_name IS NOT NULL AND udt.max_length >= 0 -- character types...

    THEN '(' + CAST(udt.max_length/2 AS NVARCHAR) + ')'

    WHEN udt.collation_name IS NOT NULL AND udt.max_length = -1 -- nvarchar(max)...

    THEN '(max)'

    WHEN sdt.system_type_id IN (165) AND udt.max_length = -1 -- varbinary(max)...

    THEN '(max)'

    WHEN sdt.system_type_id IN(60,106,108,122)

    THEN '(' + CAST(c.precision AS NVARCHAR) -- numeric types...

    + ',' + CAST(c.scale AS NVARCHAR) + ')'

    ELSE ''


    + ' NULL;'

    FROM sys.columns c

    INNER JOIN sys.types udt ON c.user_type_id = udt.user_type_id

    INNER JOIN sys.types sdt ON udt.system_type_id = sdt.user_type_id

    WHERE udt.is_user_defined = 1

    AND c.object_id IN ( SELECT o.object_id

    FROM sys.objects o

    WHERE o.name IN ('TableName1'

    , 'TableName2'

    , 'TableName...'

    , 'TableNameN')

    AND o.type = 'U');


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