Migrate Access 2003 to SBS 2008 SQL with remote connectivity

  • Hi All.

    This is my scenario,

    Move created Access 2003 DB to SQL 2008 on SBS 2008 Premium.

    we still need to access the DB with Access 2003, is this possible?

    also we need to allow users to connect remotely via VPN to access the database.

    please let me know what you think. and what do i expect from connectivity speed for remote users and if there any consideration to take before implementing the solution.

    Thank you in advance!!

  • Would the it be possible to convert the .mdb Access into an Access .adp project (and point the .adp project at the shiny new SQL 2008 database)?

    Its not an effort free approach, but if I understand the project it might work.

    Alternatively, could you not use linked tables in Access. I vaguely remember this approach in action.

    Would this link provide a starting point:-


    Hope the above helps.

  • Craig,

    i think i will be able to convert from Access to .mdp file useing upsizing Wizard. that's if possible. i know it was through SQL 2000


    i hope this is available in SBS version of SQL

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