Microsoft bug? sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats breaks when any database is off-line

  • Hi,

    I have some code that rebuilds indexes conditionally and uses sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats to determine fragmentation. When any one database is offline, the code breaks.

    I have the logic to exclude the off-line databases from my database list to defrag, but that doesn't help. As soon as sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats hits the offline db, code stops.

    Is that a known issue? I am also having issues to try...catch it.

    INSERT INTO ##Temp



    , DatabaseName

    , StatsStatus


    SELECT d.database_id

    , d.[name]

    , 0 -- statistics not yet updated

    FROM sys.databases d

    WHERE [name] Not In ('tempdb','pubs','Northwind','master','model', 'msdb')

    AND [state] = 0 -- ON-LINE

  • I think you need to share your code later in the script. All you have shown here is getting the database list. If you call the inline function with a specific database_id you should not get an error. If you call with NULL for the database_id you do get an error.

  • not a problem, including the code here:

    Note, the procedure is table driven, so there's an additional file to create tables. As far as I can tell the following section breaks when there's a database that is off-line. Any suggestions are appreciated.

    INSERT INTO #IndexDefragList



    , DatabaseName

    , ObjectId

    , IndexId

    , PartitionNumber

    , Fragmentation

    , [PageCount]

    , DefragStatus

    , SchemaName

    , ObjectName

    , IndexName




    , QUOTENAME(DB_NAME(ps.database_id))

    , ps.[object_id]

    , ps.index_id

    , ps.partition_number

    , ps.avg_fragmentation_in_percent

    , ps.page_count

    , 0 -- 0 = unprocessed, 1 = processed

    , Null

    , Null

    , Null

    FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (Null, Null, Null , Null, @ScanMode) AS ps

    INNER JOIN ##DatabaseList dl ON dl.DatabaseId = ps.database_id


    ps.index_id > 0 -- ignore heaps

    AND ps.page_count > 8 -- ignore objects with 1 extent

    AND ps.index_level = 0 -- leaf-level nodes only, supports @ScanMode

    AND avg_fragmentation_in_percent >= @MinFragmentation

  • Thanks for posting the code. I wouldn't call what is happening a BUG per se, but I would call it a poor design decision. Because you are calling the function with NULL as the database_id parameter it is trying to enumerate the indexes for ALL databases BEFORE you are doing the INNER JOIN on your database list. The DMV fails when a DB is offline. Unfortunately you cannot use CROSS APPLY with this DMF so in order to get it to work the way you would like you will have to use a CURSOR/LOOP and call the DMF with the database_id parameter. Not ideal, but doable.

    I think I'll put in a CONNECT item on this one, because you should be able to do something like this:




    0 -- statistics not yet updated


    sys.databases d CROSS APPLY

    sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(D.database_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) AS DDIPS


    D.[name] Not In ('tempdb', 'pubs', 'Northwind', 'master', 'model', 'msdb') AND

    D.[state] = 0 -- ON-LINE

    But you can't so you have to loop through your databases to get the info.

  • Jack, thanks for your reply.

    From what I understand the problem is really that you can not do CROSS APPLY on dm_db_index_physical_stats function. Would it help if I also send in a CONNECT report? I know MSFT are more likely to fix stuff when multiple people report issues.

    Thanks again

  • I have created a Connect Item and all you need to do is vote it up, verify it, and comment on it as desired.

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