Merging Data from two tables.

  • Hello, I thought this would be easy but I'm kind of stuck.  I need to get Job Position titles from one table and display them along side the Timecard history data.  Here is what I have.
    Create Table Timecard (PRCompany int, PREmployee int, WeekEndDate date, DateWorked date, Hours real);
    You can see the above has the employee Id, plus the week end and well as the actual days worked.  I'd like to select this table, above, as is.  And add the employee's position/title for the days they worked.

    There are three other tables, all in HR.  HR employee, employee's history, and position/title
    Create Table PositionHistory (HRCompany, HREmployee int, EffectiveDate date, PositionCode varchar(10));
    I'm including these other two tables do you can see the whole picture.
    Create Table Employee (HRCompany int, HREmployee int, PRCompany int, PREmployee int);
    Create Table HRCodes (HRCompany, PositionCode varchar(10), Title varchar(30));

    I thought it would be fairly easy, but my issue is that the DataWorked, from the Timecard table, is daily.  Also the EffectiveDate, from the PositionHistory, is only occasional.  I need to match these dates up.  So I need to choose the Max EffectiveDate <= DateWorked and select the Position code for that date.  But do this for every employee, for every day of the week, and be able to run historical reporting.  This is where I'm stuck.

    Thank you for any help you can give me.

  • It's not entirely clear what your primary key and foreign keys are.  Assuming  PRCompany, PREmployee and HRCompany, HREmployee are paired together, one way to do this is:
    SELECT tc.PRCompany, tc.PREmployee, pc.PositionCode, hr.Title
    FROM Timecard tc
    INNER JOIN Employee e ON tc.PRCompany = e.PRCompany AND tc.PREmployee = e.PREmployee
    CROSS APPLY (SELECT TOP 1 HRCompany, PositionCode FROM PositionHistory ph
          WHERE ph.HRCompany = e.HRCompany AND ph.HREmployee = e.HREmployee AND ph.EffectiveDate <= tc.DateWorked
          ORDER BY ph.EffectiveDate DESC) pc
    INNER JOIN HRCodes hr ON pc.HRCompany = hr.HRCompany AND pc.PositionCode = hr.PositionCode

  • Amazing!
    I've never used Cross Apply.  I have to do some reading up on that.

    Thank you very much for your help,

  • Could I have used a regular join and ph.EffectiveDate <= tc.DateWorked, which I also didn't think of?

  • the problem with doing an INNER JOIN instead of CROSS APPLY, is if there are multiple history records.  you'd probably want to include a ROW_NUMBER() evaluation in a subquery, maybe something like:
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY HRCompany, HREmployee ORDER BY ph.EffectiveDate DESC) AS recentness
    and then you'd have to evaluate 
    WHERE recentness = 1
    in the outer query.

  • I was wondering about the Row Number or something else being needed.  That is why I couldn't get it to work at the start.  I've started reading up on the Cross Apply, and it does seem to solve that problem.  I've tested the script you've given me and it worked great the first try.

    Thank you again for your help.  I'm sure the Cross Apply will see more use to me.

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