Merge Replication

  • Can merge replication run with a 7.0 distributer and publication and SQL 2000 being the subscriber?

    I think I have done this at one time but when I try it now I can't make it work.

    I keep getting this error no matter what I do.

    The process could not query row metadata at the Subscriber

    Could not find stored procedure

    Error 2812

    Any advice would be helpful.


  • I'm not sure if it's possible like that, but it's certainly not the recommended way.

    When you're having replication between different versions, the Distributor should always have the highest version. For upgrade scenearios you should first do the distributor, when the publisher and finally the subriber(s).


    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • Thanks for the reply. That's what BOL says but it worked at one time. Just luck I guess and I agree it's not a good procedure.

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