Merge - Partial record sents

  • A Question for a merge replication pro. I'm looking for an answer to what happens in the following senario...

    Sub A and B start their synchonization process slightly apart using a merge agent the first uploads followed by a download. Sub A starts its download before B is finished uploading.... Will A get NONE of B's upload or PART of B's upload. If part will they get part of an Article or always the entire article?

    I've read of SQL generations as the method for keeping track of who has what changes. Could someone feed this term into the answer to the above questions?


  • Sub A won't get any of the changes being uploaded from Sub B. The reason is that SQL Server first has to upload all the data from the subscribers and then merge the data and resolve any conflicts the before they can generate new entries in sysmerge_contents, sysmerge_genhistory etc.

    So when Sub A is starting there are no new entries in these tables yet.

    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • Thanks for the response...makes perfect sense.

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