Merge Agent?

  • Hi,

    we have SQL2K as a pulisher and 5 other SQL2K as a

    subscriber,5 Merge Replication are being setup for those


    All the 4 of them work properly, except one of them wich is the last one i had setup.

    it works form few day and then stops and then works again...???

    Here's the details of the Merge History:

    1- initializing

    2- Connecting to publisher SQLpub

    3- Agent suspect No response within the last 10 minutes.

    4- Connecting to subcriber SQLSub

    5- the Process could not Connect to the subscriber SQLsub

    this the details session for 5:

    Category source Number

    --------- ------ -----

    Agent SQLSub 20084

    Data Source SQLSub 17

    The Full Error message for (20084) is the process could not connect to the subscriber.

    The Full error messgae for (17) is SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

    I know that when the agent is suspect it's just an informational message but for how long it will do that??

    there's no lock.

    i checked the login for the subscriber it's sa, I was able to connect from the distribution database to the

    subscriber using sa .

    Form QA i can connect to the Subecriber.

    I did not make any changement for the server name.

    I Really dont know what's the problem???

    Any Help will much be appreciated!!


  • Sounds like a connectivity issue. You can change the amount of logging SQL does, take a look at the verbose switch for the agent, might help you track it down. Double check your passwords for the agent too.


  • Thanks Andy for the help!

    I have changed the login Timeout for the agent, the querytimeout,the keepalivemessageInterval But there's no luck,I got the same error?

    the password of the agent is sa.

    I have setup the same database the same server to replicate with another server (same database)it works fine!

    Thanks for the Help!


  • May be a network problem where that server is located. I had this happen for a week on a transactional replication I had and turned out to be someone who set up an XP machine that had the QOS process turned on and some of our routers went nuts aboout this.

  • I know its the not the easiest thing, but maybe makes sense to just back up a step and try setting up the one problem server again. If you want to investigate more, I'd suggest profiling to see what is actually being sent over and where it fails, that should narrow it down pretty well


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