MEMORY utilization fior sqlserver 2008 r2

  • I have a windows server 2008 R2 64 bit platform with 8 Gb Ram, I installed Sql server 2008 R2 DEv Edition .

    for samll application running from front end SQl server is taking >6GB due to this Deadlocks are happening its production server.

    So how to Allocate the proper memory for sql server 2008 R2

    please suggest.

  • What makes you think the deadlocks are due to the amount of memory being used by SQL Server?

    I think you need to look elsewhere (i.e. the SQL being run by your application) for the cause of your deadlocks.

  • It is NOT a SQL Server or RAM issue it is a application code or SQL code issue. You will need to research the cause of the deadlocks (i.e., the transactional code that is causing the locking). Also, a review of the wait states will help determine if there are any issues (i.e., memory pressure, CPU, Disk I/O, etc.).

  • There are a number of causes of deadlocks, one been poor code...

    Do you have the min/max memory set on sql server?

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