Memory Grants Pending

  • Hi all,

    I have problem with Memory Grants Pending value on one of the prod. servers. Usually it is around 90 (during pick hours). This instance is not the busiest one but I see a lot of RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE wait types. This is SQL 2008R2 SP2 (10.50.4321) Standard edition, Max memory: 65536 MB. Below is output from sys.dm_os_memory_clerks (top 10).

    Memory Clerk Type\SPA Memory Usage (MB)











    Can someone tell me if this output is normal/ expected? And how to reduce the “Memory Grants Pending” value?


  • Hi,

    You may have already done this but have you checked if there are any wait types related to memory pressures on the instance? I'd highly recommend using Brent Ozar's wait stats triaging script - it's quick and very informative.

  • Yes, already done it. The two main are: CXPACKET and RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE on tempdb (both are apx. 60% of total wait time).

  • OK, I'm not sure what the advice is for the resource semaphore wait type but for CXPACKET wait types, have you checked if your "Max Degree of Parallelism" is set at default? And what's the "Cost threshold for parallelism" set at? Both of those at default on a server with a large number of cores could lead to CXPACKET waits.

    This article gives advise on what to set your MAXDOP on:

  • Oh yes, also is your tempdb data files configured as per:

  • Thanks 😉 but CXPACKET is not a problem here - we have already decreased this wait time and we are fine with it. My main concern is output from sys.dm_os_memory_clerks (USERSTORE_SCHEMAMGR , USERSTORE_OBJPERM) and if it has something in common with Memory Grants Pending/ RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE.

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