Measure Latency for Readonly Replica in AOAG

  • I've SQL 2017 Read Scale availability group setup in our test environment(AOAG configured on two stand alone instances with Readonly routing in Synchronous Commit).

    Our app uses Read replica for reports and read queries. I've setup performance counters to measure the maximum latency for data loss(Transaction Delay and Mirrored write transactions/sec).

    But I need to measure the maximum data latency, which includes hardening time for redo thread(time being taken for the data to actually appear in Read replica database). This is because of some of our reports executing on read replica needs the latest data from Primary.

    Can anyone please help me with this.

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • Have you had a look at this? You can use the metrics on this page to create a formula to show you redo latency.

    This also has some queries and formulas that may get you what you need.

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