MDX/SSRS Chart Question

  • I have the following MDX query pulling information for a chart that shows hours worked (Values) by month (Category Group) by attorney (Series Group). The calculated set is used to exclude timekeepers who are not attorneys. The parameters are passed to this report as a drill-down.

    WITH SET Attorneys AS {[Rank].[Rank Desc].&[Counsel]

    ,[Rank].[Rank Desc].&[Associate]

    ,[Rank].[Rank Desc].&[Partner]

    ,[Rank].[Rank Desc].&[Retired Partners]

    ,[Rank].[Rank Desc].&[Special Counsel]}

    SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Hours Worked]} ON COLUMNS,

    NON EMPTY { [Transaction Date].[Calendar].[Month].ALLMEMBERS

    * Attorneys

    * [Timekeeper].[Employee].[Employee Name].ALLMEMBERS} ON ROWS

    FROM [cube]

    WHERE (StrtoSet(@YearParam), StrtoSet(@MCaseParam))

    I need to add one more series line showing the total for all attorneys per month. I tried adding a second series with a calculated total but that produces a total line per attorney rather than just one total line. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

    There are no facts, only interpretations.
    Friedrich Nietzsche

  • Can you do a SUM(Field!xxx.Value,"GroupName")

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