MDX query Internal error:

  • Hi All,

    I getting the following error when trying to parse or execute an MDX query:

    Parsing the query ...

    Internal error: An unexpected error occurred (file 'mdsubcube.cpp', line 5257, function 'MDSubcube::IsPartiallyCoveringCell').

    Parsing complete

    The error occurs with other MDX queries that reference the same dimension/measures.

    Has anyone seen this error before and have some clue as to what it means?



  • You May find that your Cube is corrupt and need to Reprocess the Dimensions and Partitions.

    In any case Internal error depicts a Microsoft Bug, you may want to open a support call with them.

    Depending on the size of your Cube you may want to script, delete and redeploy it.

    or Delete and restore from a backup and then Process.

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