MCTS 70-431

  • I am working in application development and purely I am working on SQL SERVER 2005. I want to do MCTS and I have a knowledge and experience only on development side. When I go through the administration topics I feel little bit harder as I dont have any experience on admin side. Anybody can guide me to move what type of administration concepts they will ask and what type of simulation question will be there.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hi The best way to preare is by looking at the official course material for this exam.

    Check out the below link

    If you have any questions on any subjects post it here..

  • You will need to get admin practice for the exams. The questions are asking how to handle various tasks that are listed in the requirements and most of the book for this exam. Go through a book (or class) and practice the exercises.

  • Kavin (4/9/2009)

    Anybody can guide me to move what type of administration concepts they will ask and what type of simulation question will be there.

    Answering either of those questions will violate the NDA that anyone writing the exam has to accept. Penalty for doing that includes a person's certifications getting revoked.

    Go through the exam requirements and make sure you understand each area.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Thank you very much for all your replies. I start to concentrate on administration part of sql server.

  • All the best....

    This forum will always help to clarify your technical doubts or any concepts related questions.

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