MCITP change - no recertification needed

  • I was pleasantly surpised to see that MS is emliminating the need to recertify for MCITP (and MSTS, and MCPD) exams. 😀 The certifications are good for the supported life of the product they're based on. MS further indicates that the typical supported life is 7-10 years.. So, if you get your SQL 2005 certification now, you don't have to worry about exams for a few years (other than the SQL 2008 or others you go for.)

    Happy cert'ing!!

    For further info:

  • Nice... I'm writing one next week :unsure:

  • HI Andy,

    Thanks for your info.

    I have doubts - I'm new to certification. how it was before ?

    Also, I have planned to do 70-431 - sql server 2005. Based on your message, I came to know that the ceritication will expire soon ?

    in how many years it will end ?

    Help me!

  • trackingraj (2/5/2009)

    Based on your message, I came to know that the ceritication will expire soon ?

    It'll never expire.

    MS thought about the expiry, but didn't implement it. Your cert will be valid for the lifetime of the product and even after it won't disappear, but will just move to under the 'discontinued products' section of the transcript.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

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    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass

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