Max number of records SQL Server 2000 can process

  • Is there a maximum number of records SQL Server 2000 can process in a second?



  • I dont think there is any such limit. The number of records SQL Server 2000 can process in a second is dependent on the number of processors, the load on the server, available memory and the size of the records and other such factors...

  • To get an idea of the numbers possible given an appropriate setup, take a look at the results posted at

    The current price/performance leader is a SQL Server 2005 64bit system running on Windows Server 2003 64bit. This setup has a throughput of 38,622 tpmC and cost a little over US$38k.

    The leader in terms of transactions is a SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition 64bit system running on Windows Server 2003 Datacenter 64bit. This setup has a throughput of over 1 million tpmC but at the slightly prohibitive cost of over US$5.8mil.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • It also depends on what you mean by "process". INSERT, SELECT, DELETE?

    And they are all affected by indexes, hardware etc.

  • I think Phill answered my question.  Thank you.

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