Matrix Totals Drilldown

  • Hi,

    i have a report in SSRS 2005 with a matrix that has a drilldown. Everything works fine except for the drilldown of the total on the matrix. When i drill on this field it defaults the parameter passed to the drilldown report to be the first value in the matrix.

    Is there any way i can either stop it drilling on the total or get it to pass in a blank/null parameter as it should be (i have coded the subreport to accept null parameters.)

    Any help greatly appreciated

  • Hi,

    Not a helpful answer I am afraid. I have exactly the same problem as you so please, if anyone knows how to do this ..... 🙂


  • Hi again,

    Just got it.

    You use INSCOPE like this:


    in the value passed to your parameter for the report you are jumping to. The DELIVERY_PERIOD is what forms my matrix columns so the Total column fails the test and gets my default value.

    Hope this made sense.


  • Fiona,

    Apologies i should have replied to this when i found the answer. Here is some more detail on what you have found. The following example covers on Clicking on all your Cells in your Matrix (Detail, Column Group, Row Group & Group Group {bottom right hand cell})

    For your Row Parameter/Field in your Matrix IN Navigation, Parameter the Inscope syntax will be








    For your Column Parameter/Field the Inscope SYntax will be








    The examples above are for a One Column, One Row Matrix. You can use similar syntax if you have more than one Column or Row but you will need extra IIF statements

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