Matrix column headers

  • I am having a problem with my matrix column headers.  The row groupings put the headers into one text box.  It won't let me split them into two.  So, I use spaces to space the headers correctly in the report.  But, when viewing in html the spaces are removed, and the headers are crunched to together.  When I export to pdf, the headers look fine.  Any ideas.

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  • I ended up adding a table above the matrix and putting the column header labels in it. 

    This is a pathetic workaround, but its the only one I could come up with.

    Have you noticed duplicates in your row headers being hidden in the report?  I didn't select the Hide Duplicates option, but the report automatically displays only the first cell with a duplicated value in a row group, and the rest are blank.  This only happens in the first column, and following columns if they are adjacent to a hidden column.  For example, if I group by State and then City, the first row will have New York in the cell, and the cells below will be blank while the cities are displayed in the next column, until the next state is reached.




  • Fang Wang in the MS newsgroup suggested I put a rectangle in the corner box, and then I can add textboxes to the rectangle.  This works!



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