Master package running multiple concurrent instances of a single generic child package

  • Is there a way that a master package can call multiple instances of a single child package?

    Here is my situation. I want to do a straight copy of data from tables on one server in one location to another server in another location. There is no data manipulation/transformation going on, just moving data. More or less to create a set of staging talbes.

    I want to build my package so that it can take a table input variable and pull data from the source into the destination. We are just doing full data pulls, not updates.

    So, back to my question. Is there a way to configure the package so that a master package can invoke multiple concurrent instances of the child with each child instance representing a different table?

    Thanks for all help and suggestions.

  • I know for a fact that a master package can instantiate multiple instances of the same child package.

    I guess the tough bit to work out is how to pass the variable from the parent to the child package. Parent variable configurations won't do it as they'll all end up with the same table!

    I recommend instead a job queue table. Simply fill it up in the master package with the list of files to be imported and each of the child packages can take the top one, and mark it as being processed. The select statement which the child packages use will need to only pick files which have not yet been processed.

  • You might look at:[/url]



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