master datbase

  • I got a message of alert for our database:

    Process: 69 , DatabaseName: master, State: suspended, Blocking process: 58, ExecutingCommand: SELECT

    A blocking process (which may have an exclusive lock) is one that is holding resources that another process needs. If this condition persists, investigate the process as it may be executing a long query and using system resources.

    What does this mean, I logged in the server, but didn't see master database is suspened, why it says it is suspended, I did the check 3 minutes after I got the message, does it mean it fix itself and changed the status to no longer suspended?

    The databases on this servers are mainly network system dbs, some are in heavy use, not sure what to do about this.


  • It was not database that was suspended but a process was suspended.

    (Database can be marked as ‘suspected’ not ‘suspended’).

    If you carefully read the message that you got you will see that process id 58 was blocking process id 69.

    Apparently, it was resolved before you checked it.

    (Did you check just the status of the database or the processes as well?

    To check processes you can execute:

    select top 20 * from sys.sysprocesses

    order by blocked desc

    This should tell you if the process is still a blocker - assuming not anymore)

    In my opinion, nothing to do about if it was one time event.

    If it is repeating (alerts for blocks in general) you should monitor it to see which processes and why are causing the issue. Also, in that case, you would want to check threshold that raises alert for blocking events.

  • Thank you, this is very helpful

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