many login and logout

  • Hi

    I runed profiler on my server and saw that

    many login and logout occur in afew time .

    my user is little but this problem happen.

    the application name was use Visual basic.

    please Help me



  • Is there a VB application connecting to the server? Or maybe a developper working on one?

    It is not all too uncommon to start and stop a connection for each database action in VB. I've seen a lot of people doing that. Makes it 'easier' to manage and reuse the code inside VB.

    If someone is developping against the database in VB and he is using databound controls, they too can query the database, even when you're just using the development environment.

  • Hi

    Our servers is not for develop purpose but I have 170 Login and logout in ms



  • If you are 'sure' that this login is not allowed, try blocking the user. Someone is bound to start complaining... Hope it's not your boss .

    You should increase the logging to check what the connection is executing for commands, maybe you can get an idea from there.

  • I guess that the connection is used vb is not correct .

    please answer the reason of this problem.



  • When VB connects to SQL, it can submit a query and hold open the connection (not destroy it or set it to NOTHING) or it can immediately destroy it when the results are returned. This initiates a login and logout. If you have too many of these, which can be a significant portion of the query time and resources, then you need to be sure the app is holding the connection open.

    Steve Jones

  • With ADO and VB to keep pooling alive (means the connection is open until an expire time for any object needing that conection) only close the connection object. As Steve states do no set it equal to nothing. At that poitn pooling is closed as well. Thsi will increase the connection efficiency for any app.

    This may help a bit also.

    Geared more for ASP though.

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