Management Studio for SQL 2005 Exterprise

  • hi guys,

    I really need help... I have installed SQL 2005 Enterprise edition today and I have looked everywhere and can't find SQL Server Management Studio...

    I installed the application with full options (online books, client tools etc...)

    Start -> Programs -> Microsoft SQL server 2005 -> all I see there is Configuration Tools

    Is this something that I need to download?

    please help


  • There are normally two cds associated with it. I had the same issue and had to install the second cd which included the client tools.

  • aha.. maybe that's why.. I never got the 2nd CD ... Thanks.. I will try that....

  • I got the 2nd CD...

    I tried to install "Client Components" I checked all the features and as soon as I clicked Next, I got:

    "The following components that you chose to install are already installed on the machine."

    any idea?


  • I forgot to mention that this was an upgrade from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005.

    however, the issue was resolved by removing SQL 2005, removing the folder manually... and then re-installing it...


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