Maintenance Plan ignoring database

  • We have installed SQL Server 2005 SP2 on a test server, so we can work out our procedures prior to upgrading our production systems.  One of our DBAs created a maintenance plan to backup a specific user database.  He then created a second user database and changed the maintenance plan to backup all user databases.  The backup is not finding the second database.  When we check the log of the backup job, it only shows the first database and not the second:


    Microsoft(R) Server Maintenance Utility (Unicode) Version 9.0.3033

    Report was generated on "Servername".

    Maintenance Plan: User Databases

    Duration: 00:02:58

    Status: Succeeded.


    Back Up Database (Full) (Servername)

    Backup Database on Local server connection

    Databases that have a compatibility level of 70 (SQL Server version 7.0) will be skipped.

    Databases: All user databases

    Type: Full

    Append existing

    Task start: 2007-03-01T08:58:51.

    Task end: 2007-03-01T09:01:48.


    Command:EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_create_subdir N''D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup\Current\databasename''


    BACKUP DATABASE [database] TO  DISK = N''D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup\Current\databasename\databasename_backup_200703010858.bak'' WITH  RETAINDAYS = 2, NOFORMAT, NOINIT,  NAME = N''databasename_backup_20070301085851'', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10


    declare @backupSetId as int

    select @backupSetId = position from msdb..backupset where database_name=N''databasename'' and backup_set_id=(select max(backup_set_id) from msdb..backupset where database_name=N''databasename'' )

    if @backupSetId is null begin raiserror(N''Verify failed. Backup information for database ''''databasename'''' not found.'', 16, 1) end

    RESTORE VERIFYONLY FROM  DISK = N''D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup\Current\databasename\databasename_backup_200703010858.bak'' WITH  FILE = @backupSetId,  NOUNLOAD,  NOREWIND

    Has anyone else seen this?

  • After your posted I have is working fine...

    Check if any one of the db compatibility is 70 or 80?


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • After your posted I have is working fine...

    Check if any one of the db compatibility is 70 or 80?


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • I did check using sp_cmptlevel. The all databases are level 80.

  • I don't know it is a BUG or not...but

    Try after applying sp2 hotfix which will be available either today or tomorrow...


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

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