Maintenance package erors.

  • I have a maintenance package that is showing errors. It is happening on the DB integrity check (Step 1). The package seems to be running fine. Here is the message I get. Alter failed for Server 'gisserver'. I tried doing a DBCC CHECKDB from the query window and it seems to run fine on a couple DB's I tried it on. The backup files are there so the whole package doesn't seem to be failing. The size of the backup files seem to be consistent.

    Wht could be causing this to happen?



  • SQL 2005 or SQL 2000?

    Check the maint plan history, check the SQL error logs.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • That error was in the history log. There were no erorrs in the sql log that I can find.



  • please check id which sql server agent is configured for has full rights

  • I am not sure how to check that. Maybe in configuration manager.



  • SQL agent services may have some windows login id to start or log on you check the in SQL Agnet Service property window. Check what type what right it has on the SQL Server consult your domain admin or tell him give full right the id on the SQL Server by adding that id to local admin group of the SQL Server

  • I was gone the end of last week sorry about the delay.

    I installed SQL server with the administrator user account for the server. I would think that has permissions for all.

    I will do some checking around on permissions on the administrator account.



  • I've seen this happen before. Deleting the maintenance package and re-adding it solved it for me.

  • It must be a good carma week. We haven't had any error yet this week.

    I did a restore of last nights backup to a db with a different name. Just to make sure that there are no errors in the backup. Is there a way to make sure that these two DB's are the same and my backup is working fine? Will one of the shareware db compare tools like opendbdiff show me the differences?

    Thanks for the help


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