
  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Love

  • The best definition I've read about what Love is is, "a conscience decision to value someone else more than you value yourself."  I believe the kinds of Love (Philleo, Storge, Agape) are reflective of the degree to which you are willing to carry out the 'Value'.  Feelings from relationships, like infatuation, can be result of love but it is not Love.  Of course, I can be totally mad at someone and still love them.  I also believe I am the poorest lover I know.  If I value my wife so much, why do I find it so hard to come up with gift ideas for her?  Valuing others and wanting the best for them can involve support and honor but can also involve discipline if necessary.

    When it comes to a profession, I believe the historical definition is, "using your God-given gifts and talents to improve the lives of others and make the world a better place."  This can invoke a high level of personal satisfaction.  Sometime people see a job as, "a necessary evil some I can make money to buy things and have fun."  That to me is a depressing situation as you will find yourself never having enough to make yourself happy.

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