Looking How to achieve SESSION ENABLE \ Disable PARALLEL in sql server

  • "EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER SESSION ENABLE PARALLEL DML';” “EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER SESSION DISABLE PARALLEL DML" statements  is used in oracle so how can we achieve in sql server     

  • pawan.mantha - Wednesday, February 27, 2019 8:08 AM

    "EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER SESSION ENABLE PARALLEL DML';†“EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER SESSION DISABLE PARALLEL DML" statements  is used in oracle so how can we achieve in sql server     

    I think this is one of the areas where the engines in Oracle and SQL Server are so different that you wouldn't look at trying to use the same thing in SQL Server.
    Parallelism is done differently in SQL Server and based on different components so it's likely better to just understand how SQL Server's work and go from there. There is a section called Parallel Query Processing in the following documentation which is a good start:
    Query Processing Architecture Guide


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