Looking for help installing Sql express 2012

  • So I normally have no issues with installing this software but I popped open some new systems that came in. Windows 10 pro x64 on HP probook6450b.

    All solid state drives, and i5 processors.

    All attempts to install express 2012 fail. I can launch the program without issue. Select fresh install. But while going through the system scan processes im given an error saying that I've attempted an unauthorized operation.

    I've reinstalled the os, Downloaded fresh install .exe from MS for Sp1, sp2 and sp3. Created new admin profiles in windows Checked for registry entries for MSSql with no luck.

    I've combed Google for potential solutions but don't seem to see anything specific.

    Since the software doesn't even start to install im not even sure where I can get log files to check.

    Any help or direction would be appreciated

    If this is the wrong flair I apologize.

  • Is the OS 32 or 64 bit and is the installer for the 2012 SQL Express the same architecture?


    The only time I use SQL Server 2012 Express these days is when I need a 32-bit version, otherwise, there is no point in using a 10-year-old version!

  • spam - exact copy of DEC 2020 post - https://www.reddit.com/r/SQLServer/comments/k6t4ti/error_when_installing_sql_express_2012/

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

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