looking for backup options

  • In SS2000, SP4, while doing a mass data migration ( one can take up to 12 hours each, using outside vendor code, ) the user db transaction log grows out of control, and the E: drive on the server fills.  These migrations will primarily be done when relatively few users are on the system, yet I don't dare not do backups during this time, just in case I need them for disaster recovery.  The process may need to be repeated possibly hundreds of times over the next 6 months.  Currently the db backup process is to do a full backup once a day, a differential 12 hours after the full backup, and transaction log backups every hour.  During the data migration, I was thinking of changing the db to simple recovery, then setting up a job to run every hour during the migration process to do a differential db backup to a SAN.  Any ideas if this will help or hurt?  I don't have a really good place to test it out beforehand, so I'm looking for both comments on my thoughts and other possible options. 

    Thank you.

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  • Hi,

    I got something similar, but during the night process, so I am doing FULL backup before data migration, changing db to SIMPLE, importing all stuff,changing back to FULL, and backup. I think if you do the diff. every hour that will help also, I think that will work fine.


  • one more - before back to FULL I am shrinking db, just to save some space

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